Some changes around here

Thank you for your responses to my soul-searching post about the blog – very useful comments, both online and offline (thanks, Tim). As a result, I made a few changes around here.

Thank you very much for your comments. You reminded me that:
– I need to be very clear about my own objectives
– That there are many ways in which I can achieve those objectives, with the blog being just one of them

I blog because I like to share. Because I like to share examples of (marketing) theory into practice. To make the abstract, specific. The complex, simple.

Sometimes, the blog is not the best place to share those examples. Twitter may be the best place to share a link to an article, for instance. Just sharing – no additional comments needed. I am such a big fan of Twitter!

Recently, I have been experimenting with Pinterest. I added a few pictures. It is also possible to add videos. Again, no room for ramblings – just sharing the resource. You can check my boards, here. It’s very early days for me – but it is already clear that Pinterest can be very, very addictive. [Ninia Azzopardi is investigating whether image-based social networks like Pinterest will over take text based ones like Twitter – take a look at her blog here and help her if you can].

I am also considering focused blogs – like Michael Levi’s teaching blog or Arjan Tupan’s mix of inspirational and entertaining videos.

In the meantime, I made a few changes around here, too. In the home page, I provide a link to a page with information for new visitors. I also emphasised the possibility of receiving posts by e-mail / RSS.

Looking through the archive, I identified a few recurring themes. Hence, I compiled a list of themes and associated posts and put them all in a specific page. It is there for you to use as a resource. I will update this page every few weeks – if you want to be alerted about updates, just click here.

I shall be doing something similar for the research-related content, in the next few days / weeks.

Thanks, again, for your input. I really appreciated it.

On Wednesday morning, Paul Fennemore is talking to my class about the social customer – how behaviours and expectations have changed and what this means for organisations. I shall report back!

I hope you have a great week. Do you have anything exciting planned?

PS – In case you are wondering about the picture. I took it about an year ago in Evora – my hometown, in the south of Portugal. It was a temporary street art installation. I loved the mixture of the formal (the monuments) with the mundane (the umbrellas) – again, the complex and the simple.

4 thoughts on “Some changes around here

  1. Sounds very interesting, all this, Ana. I hope the changes work for you, but also keep in mind, that in these days, the attitude towards life can be very much about being ‘always in beta’. In other words: test, keep what works and drop or change what doesn’t.I’m very curious about your experiences with and thoughts on using pinterest. I’m not yet convinced of how I can make it work for me, but would like to learn more about it.


  2. I like the ‘beta approach’, Arjan.What I am liking about Pinterest so far is that you can have a visual idea of the content – instead of tags, you have the boards; and instead of a list of hyperlinks you have the images (w/ the links behind them, if relevant).


  3. Ah, okay. Well, I’m going to try and dive into it more. What is also interesting about it, is that it sort of means that we as bloggers/content creators, need to think about using images more in our posts. I’m not always doing that (mostly not), but that also means that my blog posts are hard to pin, I would say. Or at least, don’t look that interesting on a board. Hmmm. Things to think about and do something with.On a related issue: I wanted to add the rss feed of your blog to my reader, but somehow clicking that button on the homepage did not really work (I’m using safari on a mac).


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