Consumer segments vs. tribes, and what it means for marketing strategy

In recent (or not so recent years) we have seen the rise of individualism, and the loss of traditional forms of social coherence such as family values, or geographical location. In its place, we have seen the emergence of alternative social arrangements and sub-cultures.


For marketers, this social change has led to the popularisation of tribes and symbolic consumption. Engaging with tribes is very different from engaging with a consumer segment, because group membership and the role of brands are very different for each.


Here is a brief overview of the differences between consumer segments and tribes, and what those differences mean for marketing strategy.


I am thinking of adding this slide to my teaching materials. Do you find this helpful? What should I add to this overview?

5 thoughts on “Consumer segments vs. tribes, and what it means for marketing strategy

  1. For Media consumption and also Production the use of the tribes Concept is convincing: You use them all and your age tribe and you use Media interconnected and you Follower viral patterns like Göring-Eckardt into war..


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